Sunday 23 March 2014

Music Magazine: Final Progress Report

This is the final product of my music magazine cover. The first thing I have included in the magazine is a black and white gradient background. I felt that I needed to create a background because the plain white background was very bland and I needed to enhance it to make the cover look like a more authentic magazine. I also changed my masthead colours from yellow and red; to white and red. I felt that there I needed to add more white on the page after I changed my background. I also changed my pull quote font and colour, I felt that I needed to remove the black background from the text and change the text to make the pull quote a lot more professional. I have re-aligned my subsidiary image from a canted angle to a normal rectangular angle; And the final changes I have made is that I've changed the colour of the sell lines (again). I felt this was necessary because I needed to incorporate more white on my cover and use less yellow; as too much yellow drowns out the others colours on the page. 

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