Sunday 23 March 2014

Music Magazine Cover: Third Progress Report

This is my third progress report of my magazine cover. This first thing that I have incorporated on my magazine cover is three more sell lines; By including these three sell lines I needed to remove my pug. I felt this was necessary because only one pug was needed. Once I produced my additional three sell lines, I decided to create an alternate yellow and red stroke on the sell lines to make them stand out better than they initially did. I have also taken the liberty to include a website address underneath the masthead (opposite the date and issue number). Two final things that I have changed is the pug and the bar code. I have changed the shape of the pug from a rectangle to a circular shape. I felt this was essential act to do, as I want to make the magazine as authentic as possible. I also changed the bar-code to include the price and name of the magazine. The final thing I have changed is that I have created a drop shadow for the splash and the pug; I have decided to do this to create the effect of the splash and the pug to stand off the page.

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