Sunday 23 March 2014

Music Magazine Cover: Second Progress Report

This is my second progress report of my magazine cover. I started by completing my header at the top of the page. I have also included a subsidiary image on the header to help promote the artist/magazine. I have also taken the time to include a footer at the bottom of the magazine cover. I have used the footer to try and promote further artists that are highlighted/interviewed in the magazine. (i.e. Slash + More...). I have now incorporated a pull quote underneath the splash.  I have also created another pug; which says "25 album reviews". I have now included three sell lines on the right hand side of the magazine to promote the artists and the topic of discussion in the magazine. Finally I have included two (somewhat) minor features; by including a bar code (on the far left) and a date and issue number (underneath the masthead). Despite these being small features. I felt that they were necessary to make my magazine cover as authentic as possible.

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