Sunday 23 March 2014

Music Magazine: Final Progress Report

This is the final product of my music magazine cover. The first thing I have included in the magazine is a black and white gradient background. I felt that I needed to create a background because the plain white background was very bland and I needed to enhance it to make the cover look like a more authentic magazine. I also changed my masthead colours from yellow and red; to white and red. I felt that there I needed to add more white on the page after I changed my background. I also changed my pull quote font and colour, I felt that I needed to remove the black background from the text and change the text to make the pull quote a lot more professional. I have re-aligned my subsidiary image from a canted angle to a normal rectangular angle; And the final changes I have made is that I've changed the colour of the sell lines (again). I felt this was necessary because I needed to incorporate more white on my cover and use less yellow; as too much yellow drowns out the others colours on the page. 

Music Magazine Cover: Third Progress Report

This is my third progress report of my magazine cover. This first thing that I have incorporated on my magazine cover is three more sell lines; By including these three sell lines I needed to remove my pug. I felt this was necessary because only one pug was needed. Once I produced my additional three sell lines, I decided to create an alternate yellow and red stroke on the sell lines to make them stand out better than they initially did. I have also taken the liberty to include a website address underneath the masthead (opposite the date and issue number). Two final things that I have changed is the pug and the bar code. I have changed the shape of the pug from a rectangle to a circular shape. I felt this was essential act to do, as I want to make the magazine as authentic as possible. I also changed the bar-code to include the price and name of the magazine. The final thing I have changed is that I have created a drop shadow for the splash and the pug; I have decided to do this to create the effect of the splash and the pug to stand off the page.

Music Magazine Cover: Second Progress Report

This is my second progress report of my magazine cover. I started by completing my header at the top of the page. I have also included a subsidiary image on the header to help promote the artist/magazine. I have also taken the time to include a footer at the bottom of the magazine cover. I have used the footer to try and promote further artists that are highlighted/interviewed in the magazine. (i.e. Slash + More...). I have now incorporated a pull quote underneath the splash.  I have also created another pug; which says "25 album reviews". I have now included three sell lines on the right hand side of the magazine to promote the artists and the topic of discussion in the magazine. Finally I have included two (somewhat) minor features; by including a bar code (on the far left) and a date and issue number (underneath the masthead). Despite these being small features. I felt that they were necessary to make my magazine cover as authentic as possible.

Music Magazine Cover: Progress Report

This is my first progress report of my music magazine cover. I initially incorporated my masthead on my contents page. My plan was to use something that was eye-catching and looked like an authentic magazine masthead. Once my masthead font was produced; I created a black stoke around my red masthead to make it stand out a bit better; and then I used the italic type tool to make it look more stylish and professional. At the top of the magazine cover, I have created a header. I have used the header to promote the artist's in my magazine (i.e. Bob Marley). Next to promotional header I have included a pug which promotes the magazine by the offering a free CD to the customers/readers. 

After taking the photo of the chosen artist for the cover of the magazine, I felt that the quality of the picture (below) was not suitable for the front of the magazine so I decided to edit the picture. 
There was four edits that I created.
After pondering on what picture I should use, I decided I would use the picture that would be best associated with my future splash "Blurred Lines"; which is the first picture at the top. 
Once I decided on what edited picture I would use; I started to create my splash. I already decided on what my splash was going to be called during my creation of my pictures. So all I needed to do was to find a font that would suit the cover's image. I decided on using the same font that I used on my masthead. I also incorporated a yellow stroke for my red font.