Saturday 26 April 2014

Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learn't in the progression in it from it to the full project?

Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of construction this product

I have learnt about a variety of different technologies in constructing my music magazine.

The first thing that was getting to grips with the computer software, Adobe InDesign. Most of my allocated time was used on Adobe InDesign in order to create my magazine pages. At first it was difficult to get accustomed to and was different to other publishing software I have used in the past. Albeit my preliminary task definitely helped me get to grips with using InDesign, and be able to use  the software more successfully and allow myself to be more creative. 

Secondly, I obviously needed to use Blogger to be able to post my progress about my magazine. It is rather simple to use. and extremely similar to other websites I have used, So this wasn't as diffictult to operate as other software I have used. 
Generating useful images for my magazine would not have been possible without Adobe Photoshop. Again, I needed some time to get used to the software. I have used similar photo editing devices prior to this task, but none had the professional mechanisms that Photoshop has. The preliminary task gave me a head start to use this software. Once firmly comfortable with the software, I could edit my photo's to a professional standard. 

Prezi is presentation software that I have used in updating my blog posts. Prezi enables me to create sleek and professional presentations to show my progress with my magazine. Unlike the other software I have used; I have previously used Prezi in other studies I have made, So this gave me a headstart using this software. 

  Alongside these pieces of technology, I have also used hardware, such as Laptops, which I already know how to operate successfully, and Digital Camera's,  All of these specific technologies are useful things which I can apply for future productions.

Friday 18 April 2014

Music Magazine Contents: Final Progress Report

This is my final progress report of my music magazine contents page. There are a variety of different adaptations I have made since my last progress report. One of the biggest changes I have made is that I have removed one of my pictures and replaced it with two smaller images. I felt this was necessary because there needed to be more variation on my contents page. I have also changed the colours of my list of artists; I have decided to do this to make it look similar to my front page of my magazine.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Music Magazine Contents Second Progress Report

This is my second progress report of my music magazine. I one of the first changes I have made is that I have created my list of assorted artists along the side of my contents page. The second change I have made is that I have created a Sell line underneath the main picture on my contents page. The final change I have made is that I have incorporated a drop shadow on my yellow footer at the bottom on my page to make look congruent throughout my magazine.

Music Magazine Contents Page: Progress Report

This is my first progress report of my contents page. Firstly I have included a linear black/white gradient to make the colour of the page more diverse. Secondly I have Included a Yellow footer at the bottom of my page. I felt this was necessary because I wanted a congruent yellow footer throughout my page. I have also incorporated a black and red header at the top of my page to keep to the same colour/font scheme of the cover.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Music Magazine (Double Page Spread): Final Progress Report

This is my final progress report of my music magazine double page article. This first change I have made is that I have changed the colour of the header. I have changed the colour simply because I wanted to incorporate more red in my magazine; to match my front cover. I have also completed my second page of my article, which consists of a picture of the artist and the title of the article. I have also included a symetrical footer at the bottom of the two pages; which also includes the page number, website and the issue of the magazine. The final change to my article was that I removed the white/black gradient, to a grey/black radial gradient.

Music Magazine (Double Page Article): Second Progress Report

This is the second progress report of my music magazine article. Again I have continued to produce my interview section of my magazine. One of the most notable changes that can be seen, is that a black/white gradient, I felt this was appropriate to incorporate because I wanted to keep a more congruent colour scheme throughout the magazine.  Another notable change I have created pull-quote's that have been situated in the article. I included a text wrap around the pull-quote's to make the words of the interview wrap around the text. I have also created a drop-cap at the start of the article, I have included this to make the article look like a more authentic magazine. The final change I have made is that I have included a page; issue number; and a website address at the bottom of the page on the footer.

Music Magazine (Double Page): First Progress Report

This is the first progress report of my music magazine article. This is the interview section of the article. Firstly I have included a black background because  it would keep to the colour scheme congruent throughout my magazine. At the bottom of the page, I have included a congruent yellow footer at the bottom of the page. The purpose of the footer is to indicate the page number and the website of the magazine (which I have not incorporated yet). I have created a header at the top of the page which gives a brief overview of the artist and the interview. I have created this to make it more convenient for the reader to engage in the content. Ii have also colour coded yellow and white to make it easier for the reader to differentiate who is the artist and the interviewer.