Sunday 24 November 2013

What I've learn't and ideas for my future magazine

After analysing and researching magazines for the last month, my knowledge of the magazine industry and the music industry have improved dramatically. After conducting research into magazine covers, contents pages and articles; I have a much clearer idea of what I want and need to incorporate into my music magazine. After analysing three front covers of various magazines I have understood that I would need to have a specific colour scheme (of three colours)  that was congruent throughout the magazine to make it look appealing to my target audience. I have also learn't that many main images on magazine covers have plain chromatic colours in the background.

After analysing three contents pages from magazines I have also understood that I would need to have a background that is the complete opposite colour from the main body text; and for the headings and important information is highlighted in a different colour from the body text and background. I have also learn't that all contents pages have a main image that dominates at least half of the page itself.

After analysing three articles I have understood that I would need to have an image that takes up at least one page of the two page article spread. I have also learn't that there would also be a colour scheme that is similar to the the contents and cover pages. I have also learnt that the most popular way of writing a two page article is to conduct a interview with the artist or the band.

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