Sunday 24 November 2013

What I Have Learnt from my Questionaire and Magazine Target Information

I have learnt a lot from my questionnaire I conducted. There are a variety of different things that I have found out and ideas I am willing to incorporate into my music magazine.

After finding out the results of the questionnaire, I have decided  to make a magazine based on the genre of rock. With the questionnaire results concluding that 30% of the people questioned preferred rock and an additional 30% preferred indie; I decided to choose the rock genre as I feel that have more ideas that I would like to use that would be suited to a rock genre magazine. This genre was backed up when 30% of people questioned preferred Q magazine and an additional 30% preferred Kerrang! Magazine.

I have also decided to make my magazine a monthly issue with a RRP of £3.50. I have chosen this price because the most popular price range from my questionnaire was the £3-£4 price bracket.

When I asked people in the questionnaire "what masthead you would prefer as a music magazine" 40% of people questioned said that they preferred the masthead "Helter Skelter" and 30% said they preferred the masthead "Turntable". I have chosen to approve of public opinion and call my magazine "Helter Skelter".

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