Monday 30 September 2013

School Magazine Cover - First Draft Overview

This is the first draft of my school magazine, its quite a rough draft but I feel it reflects my ideas that I want to incorporate into my final product.

 This is my masthead that I would like to incorporate into my magazine. The name of my magazine that I intend to use is 'KHXL'. The masthead letters would be in red with a yellow outline. I've chosen these colours after researching and analyzing other magazines I have read. It will be eye catching and simple to incorporate in my magazine.

This is an enlargement of my main picture from my magazine. It depicts a student who has been interviewed for the magazine. I used the idea of this in my magazine because I want the magazine to be appropriate and interesting for students to read. I also used the pull quote "We were just the best... AT MATHS!". This gives the reader an insight into the article in the magazine and potentially get students to buy the magazine.
I also incorporated some sell-lines in my magazine. The first one says "Toby Howell's Movie Article" which would be used to tell the reader what type of stories/articles are inside the magazine. The other one says "Mr. Jenkins: Sport is Valuable" this would tell the reader who/what are the articles are about.